Box Office and Ticket Outlets

The Box Office can be reached at (956) 681-3801 and is located on the East side of the McAllen Performing Arts Center, and is open from:

Monday – Thursday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday CLOSED

All event dates and times are subject to change.

Ticket refunds are cancelled or postponed events are available via the point on purchase.

Ticket Outlets

Tickets are available through Ticketmaster via Ticketmaster.comorder by phone 1-800-745-3000, and retail outlets.
McAllen Convention Center Tickets
McAllen Performing Arts Center Tickets
In Person
Tickets can be purchased at the Convention Center Box Office or Auditorium on the day of the event.
Hermanos de Leche
Alejandra Guzmán
Felipe Esparza
Showtime - McAllen Wind Ensemble
Let's Dance! - McAllen Wind Ensemble
Noche Magica - McAllen Wind Ensemble

Signature Events